Requirements of IT companies for PHP developers of different levels: Junior, Middle, Senior

And yet, you can start by studying CMS – this is a content management system, usually a set of ready-made modules to perform certain tasks. There are CMS for product and order management (prestashop, Magento), for blogs (WordPress), news sites (DLE), etc.

CMS allow you to create sites without writing a single line of code, the disadvantage of this approach is the inability to make the necessary changes to the site (design, logic).

Junior – What you should know and be able to:

  • experience in developing for one of the popular cms (wordpress, modx, opencart, magento or others)
  • understanding of the principles of OOP / MVC – at the initial stage, only an understanding of these principles is necessary, but in the future, growth without practical application is impossible
  • knowledge of PHP and MySQL
  • basic knowledge of Git


Support and creation of an online store need experienced programmers. To get the next must you must have:

  • Laravel5 development experience – 1 year
  • PHP development experience – 3 years
  • Knowledge and use of MVC
  • Required experience with: php7, mysql, git
  • Understanding of work with Composer, Middlewares, ServiceProviders, Eloquent, Relationships, Observer pattern
  • Experience writing REST api, Unit-tests
  • Advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of VueJS or React, Angular
  • English pre-intermediate
  • Good level of self-management


As you can see, the level of a programmer differs not only in profile skills, but also in general seniority in decision-making (the ability to quickly respond to a problem, come up with a way out of a situation, take responsibility) and leadership qualities. In order to become a Senior, in addition to all these skills, you will need:

  • Development experience with TDD
  • Experience in training and organizing a team
  • Knowledge of agile development process: scrum, sprint planning, daily meeting, demo, retrospective
  • Do you want to become a PHP developer?

What should a PHP developer know?

PHP requires knowledge in the following areas:

  • algorithms, MVC
  • be able to use ajax
  • be able to optimize the code
  • programming patterns, understanding which patterns are intended for which tasks
  • database architecture, data normalization, ability to write nested queries
  • distribute the load effectively
  • use tools effectively
  • provide code flexibility
  • generally accepted coding standards (PSR)
  • know and be able to use at least several frameworks
  • use composer
  • Ability to write automated tests
  • knowledge of html, javascript (jquery), css

Indeed, the amount of knowledge of a PHP developer is quite large, but the whole list is really necessary, since writing PHP code is not enough for good results.

A PHP developer makes it possible to work on a project for all participants, in fact, the main task is to make a convenient interface for a layout designer, customer, SEO specialist, marketer, etc.

  • Tips for Beginning Developers
  • Learn to read documentation
  • Constantly read specialized resources, attend thematic meetups
  • Master the Linux OS, ideally if it becomes the main OS on your computer
  • Improve practical skills, get acquainted with popular APIs
  • Website development in companies mainly takes place on various frameworks, so study the most popular ones.

The specifics of working with PHP requires knowledge of programming theory, so do not ignore the tutorials to avoid sad consequences.

For work, you will need knowledge of the basics of administration. What is a web server? How to set it up? Where is the apache config? What to write in .htaccess

You will constantly need to learn something new – be prepared for this, most questions are solved by viewing the documentation, forums and chats, stackoverflow google search.

The specialty of PHP-developer is diverse, in fact, almost every day it throws you a challenge – if you are ready to accept it, good luck in learning!

Where to practice php programming

Competitions help develop coding skills and teach you to see non-obvious ways to solve problems. Here are the three most popular platforms:

Codewars. Platform with competitions for developers of different skill levels. All decisions of the participants are published in the public domain after the end of the round. This is an important element of learning: you can solve a problem for several days in 100 lines of code, or you can do the same in a few hours and five lines. For example, using ready-made functions.

Hackerrank. In addition to competitions, the platform has an interview preparation section with the most popular and relevant questions. For example, there are blocks on arrays, objects and other entities – with an explanation of how it works, and with tasks to consolidate knowledge.

Leetcode. The Learn section with theory and practice to consolidate it helps to understand the logic of programming tasks and learn how to solve them practically from scratch.

Instead of a conclusion

The main result of training is a change of profession. Here are some tips to get you started on moving from tasks and practice to real projects in your portfolio.

Automation of routine tasks

The best place to start is to find a moment in your life that you can automate. For example, if you want to develop the habit of reading 10 pages every day. You can make an application to keep track of the number of pages of a book read on a given day. The utility of the application almost guarantees that the project will be completed.

Tasks encountered in real projects

You can try to implement functions that are found in real projects – for example, a form for a website. You can make HTML and CSS in it, add JS and write logic. For example, implement saving to a database or send a message to the mail. On such a project, you can learn to share logic. For example, make it so that one is responsible for displaying, the other for the form itself, and the third for saving data in the database.

Never Stop:

In programming, they say that you need to constantly learn, even just to be in place. Grow with us – Hexlet has hundreds of development courses in different languages ​​and technologies

Requirements of IT companies for PHP developers of different levels: Junior, Middle, Senior

And yet, you can start by studying CMS – this is a content management system, usually a set of ready-made modules to perform certain tasks. There are CMS for product and order management (prestashop, Magento), for blogs (WordPress), news sites (DLE), etc.

CMS allow you to create sites without writing a single line of code, the disadvantage of this approach is the inability to make the necessary changes to the site (design, logic).

Junior – What you should know and be able to:

  • experience in developing for one of the popular cms (wordpress, modx, opencart, magento or others)
  • understanding of the principles of OOP / MVC – at the initial stage, only an understanding of these principles is necessary, but in the future, growth without practical application is impossible
  • knowledge of PHP and MySQL
  • basic knowledge of Git


Support and creation of an online store need experienced programmers. To get the next must you must have:

  • Laravel5 development experience – 1 year
  • PHP development experience – 3 years
  • Knowledge and use of MVC
  • Required experience with: php7, mysql, git
  • Understanding of work with Composer, Middlewares, ServiceProviders, Eloquent, Relationships, Observer pattern
  • Experience writing REST api, Unit-tests
  • Advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of VueJS or React, Angular
  • English pre-intermediate
  • Good level of self-management


As you can see, the level of a programmer differs not only in profile skills, but also in general seniority in decision-making (the ability to quickly respond to a problem, come up with a way out of a situation, take responsibility) and leadership qualities. In order to become a Senior, in addition to all these skills, you will need:

  • Development experience with TDD
  • Experience in training and organizing a team
  • Knowledge of agile development process: scrum, sprint planning, daily meeting, demo, retrospective
  • Do you want to become a PHP developer?

What should a PHP developer know?

PHP requires knowledge in the following areas:

  • algorithms, MVC
  • be able to use ajax
  • be able to optimize the code
  • programming patterns, understanding which patterns are intended for which tasks
  • database architecture, data normalization, ability to write nested queries
  • distribute the load effectively
  • use tools effectively
  • provide code flexibility
  • generally accepted coding standards (PSR)
  • know and be able to use at least several frameworks
  • use composer
  • Ability to write automated tests
  • knowledge of html, javascript (jquery), css

Indeed, the amount of knowledge of a PHP developer is quite large, but the whole list is really necessary, since writing PHP code is not enough for good results.

A PHP developer makes it possible to work on a project for all participants, in fact, the main task is to make a convenient interface for a layout designer, customer, SEO specialist, marketer, etc.

  • Tips for Beginning Developers
  • Learn to read documentation
  • Constantly read specialized resources, attend thematic meetups
  • Master the Linux OS, ideally if it becomes the main OS on your computer
  • Improve practical skills, get acquainted with popular APIs
  • Website development in companies mainly takes place on various frameworks, so study the most popular ones.

The specifics of working with PHP requires knowledge of programming theory, so do not ignore the tutorials to avoid sad consequences.

For work, you will need knowledge of the basics of administration. What is a web server? How to set it up? Where is the apache config? What to write in .htaccess

You will constantly need to learn something new – be prepared for this, most questions are solved by viewing the documentation, forums and chats, stackoverflow google search.

The specialty of PHP-developer is diverse, in fact, almost every day it throws you a challenge – if you are ready to accept it, good luck in learning!

Where to practice php programming

Competitions help develop coding skills and teach you to see non-obvious ways to solve problems. Here are the three most popular platforms:

Codewars. Platform with competitions for developers of different skill levels. All decisions of the participants are published in the public domain after the end of the round. This is an important element of learning: you can solve a problem for several days in 100 lines of code, or you can do the same in a few hours and five lines. For example, using ready-made functions.

Hackerrank. In addition to competitions, the platform has an interview preparation section with the most popular and relevant questions. For example, there are blocks on arrays, objects and other entities – with an explanation of how it works, and with tasks to consolidate knowledge.

Leetcode. The Learn section with theory and practice to consolidate it helps to understand the logic of programming tasks and learn how to solve them practically from scratch.

Instead of a conclusion

The main result of training is a change of profession. Here are some tips to get you started on moving from tasks and practice to real projects in your portfolio.

Automation of routine tasks

The best place to start is to find a moment in your life that you can automate. For example, if you want to develop the habit of reading 10 pages every day. You can make an application to keep track of the number of pages of a book read on a given day. The utility of the application almost guarantees that the project will be completed.

Tasks encountered in real projects

You can try to implement functions that are found in real projects – for example, a form for a website. You can make HTML and CSS in it, add JS and write logic. For example, implement saving to a database or send a message to the mail. On such a project, you can learn to share logic. For example, make it so that one is responsible for displaying, the other for the form itself, and the third for saving data in the database.

Never Stop:

In programming, they say that you need to constantly learn, even just to be in place. Grow with us – Hexlet has hundreds of development courses in different languages ​​and technologies

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